Our Roots

This is my son, at our garden at the edge of the Amsterdam city. This is where I grow my organic herbs, vegetables, and fruits.

Hi! Thank you for visiting my website 🙂 

I started MoonWater after my son started having eczema when he was only 6 months old. That took me on a deep journey to understanding the skin condition and its relation between food, and application of medicinal herbs to enhance the healing.

My son was born naturally, without any medical intervention and a mid-wife. The natural birth approach was not accidental, but it was planned. I’ve never went to the GP (house doctor) to check my progress of the pregnancy. So no medical intervention was made throughout my pregnancy and giving birth. That’s why I had a deep connection within, and I remember clearly that my son to be born came to me when I was drifting asleep or waking up from a dream, that “Mom, you wouldn’t want to hire a mid-wife. She might come with the smell of the synthetic fragrance. You will have to tell her, how you want things done, and she won’t get it.” And I could totally imagine myself getting stressed out, by having this “mid-wife” who smelled of synthetic detergent, shampoo, soap, perfume, leaving me disoriented, and with nausea.

Why bother? When I have my husband who can be my guardian, and know exactly what and how I want things done during the labor. 

So that’s how I decided my birth plan. I have to say giving birth was one of the most magical, quiet, calm, miraculous moment of my life.  My husband and I was able to embrace the birth of our son.

During my pregnancy, I noticed that my body was lacking iron, so I started adding eggs, fish, and dairy into my diet. That really helped, however right after I gave birth, I switched to a vegan diet. Which now I can say that it lead to eczema of my son.

Through this experience, and my life style I do think that diet does determine your skin condition. Of course there may be genetics involved, but many of the skin problems can be overturned with the change of diet. But it’s also important we keep a good hygeiene through using soaps that are made from natural ingredients, in a traditional way, and conditioning skin with medicinal herbs and oil to prevent and enhance healing properties.

At MoonWater, all the products are formulated from organically grown and processed ingredients. No artificial preservatives or additives are used to bring out the best condition of one’s skin, health, and earth. 

I hope you will enjoy my artisan and organic crafts.